Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Index Scan vs Index Seek

I have a really strange problem.

I execute this query:

declare @.cid int
set @.cid = 2003227

select * from sales s, product p where p.product_Id = s.product_Id and customer_id = @.cid

select * from sales s, product p where p.product_Id = s.product_Id and customer_id = @.cid or @.cid = 0

3 Million rows in sales, 120000 in product.

The first does and index seek, the second an index scan.
The execution plan reports that the scan takes 99.87% of the cost, and the seek takes 0.13%

This problem obviously gets worse the bigger the dataset / query /etc.

The reason I query this, is because it never used to take this long to do index scans. Is there something i can change, something i can fix?

Any help would be appreciated.

Joshi believe that the 'OR' statement is causing a table scan(the leaf level of the clustered index)

consider this
i am going to assume that only one of these columns are indexed.
try creating an index on the other column, because if you query a table and use the 'OR' clause in your query and any of the columns are not indexed... SQL server will perform a table scan.|||Okay, If I simplify the queries to this:

declare @.c_ID int
set @.c_Id = 2003227

select * from sales where customer_id = @.C_ID
select * from sales where customer_id = @.C_ID or @.c_Id = 0

(There is a non-unique, non clustered index on the customer_Id column.)

The problem still happens. My question is - why does it use an index scan for the second query, and why does it take so damn long?


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